Hollywood, California.City of contrast.
Home to the rich and powerful...
...yet so popularwith the broken and destitute.
Here, sex hunger is reflectedin every aspect of daily life...
...and instant gratificationis tirelessly pursued.
A center of casual violenceand capricious harassment...
...where rampant vice and amoralitypermeate every strata of society.
The barrier between foodand sex has dissolved.
It is a fact that prolonged exposureto such a psychopathic environment...
...will eventually warp even the mostnormal and decent among us.
This, then, is the storyof Hollywood today.
Not a pretty story, but presentedhere exactly as it happened.
Really? Stomach cramps?But it's such a good buy.
So is lighter fluid at $ 1.50 a pint...
...but I wouldn't serve itto my dinner guests.
-Forget about Mountain Brook.-My date wouldn't know the difference.
How about a nice...
I'm sure it would go very wellwith your meat.
-How much?-$3.50 plus tax.
All right.I'll take it on your say-so.
Now, you let me knowif you're not completely satisfied.
With the wine, you mean?
Bland, did you refuse that customera bottle of Mountain Brook?
I certainly did. It's undrinkable.
I'm not interested in your opinion,Mr. Gourmet.