-How come there's only $900 here?
-I gave 100 to Raoul.
After all, he did kill him.
I suppose he earned it. I don't know,
Mary. I just don't trust that guy.
Paul, you act as if we're lovers
or something.
-What time's the next one due?
Would you knock him off
really quickly? I'm kind of tired.
You sure you wouldn't rather have
Raoul come back and do it?
There he is.
What do I look like?
Oh, great.
Trigger likes you already.
Attention, all male nurses,
your dance...
-Excuse me.
-...is cancelled for this evening.
I got an appointment
to see Mrs. Bland, the nurse.
-It's for an examination.
-A physical examination?
Yeah, I think I got TB or something.
You'll find Mrs. Bland down the hall
and to your left. Room 145.
Attention, all male nurses, your dance
is cancelled for this evening.
Come in.
She gave me a funny look
when I asked for you.
-Never mind her. Take off your shirt.
-What for?
I want it to look as though I'm
examining you if anybody comes in.
You want me to take off
my pants too?
Then maybe you'd like me
to take off your pants?
Raoul, I agreed
to see you because...
...I think we should discuss
what happened the other night.
Yeah. That's all I've been
thinking about for three days.
It was a mistake, that's all.
I don't want you to think
that it could ever happen again.
I'm not about to risk my marriage for
the sake of some low animal attraction.
What risk?
Your husband's never gonna know.
Yes, he will!
We know each other too well.
He can sense
when something's different.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe we should tell him everything.
-Are you crazy?
-Yeah, I'm crazy! About you, chiquita!