Hey, come down to 234.
We'll get it on.
You live in the building.
You must swing, right?
Wrong. Good night.
Well, you don't,
but I'll bet anything she does.
This building is beginning
to attract some real scum.
Oh, no. I don't believe it.
$ 175-a-month rent increase?
How are we gonna pay that?
Don't worry, honey. We can live
on our Instacash card for a while.
Aren't you forgetting something?
It was cancelled for nonpayment.
Well, we still have our jobs.
-Oh, no, Paul.
-I told him not to buy cheap wine.
Bad wine at a bargain price
is no bargain.
-But what does he care?
-It's not your fault.
We just weren't meant to work
in shops or hospitals.
All those bills and no credit.
What are we gonna...?
Let's sell your mother's collection
of fabulous '50s furniture.
Oh, no, Paul. You know Mama
only loaned it to us until she dies.
Well, there's that money we set aside
for the restaurant down payment.
But that won't keep us for very long.
You'll get another job. I could get
a raise. We'll get by somehow.
-James! What am I gonna say to him?
-Paul, don't say anything to him.
Stall him. I just don't want that
restaurant to slip through our fingers.
How you doing, pal?
Am I early, or what?
The early bird gets the pussy,
am I right?
Jesus, she looks like
a party all to herself.
Now, come on, get out of here!
Get out of here!
You don't screw her! Someone should.
Might as well be me.
I'll screw you later, sweetheart.
Hey, baby!
You shouldn't have done that.
-Oh, my God.
-He's gonna do it again.
-Paul, quick, get him in the bathroom.
-I'm sorry.
-Come on, come on.
-Oh, I'm sorry.
No, no. Some things
are private, man.