Eating Raoul

Well, there's that money we set aside
for the restaurant down payment.

But that won't keep us for very long.
You'll get another job. I could get
a raise. We'll get by somehow.

-James! What am I gonna say to him?
-Paul, don't say anything to him.

Stall him. I just don't want that
restaurant to slip through our fingers.

How you doing, pal?
Am I early, or what?

The early bird gets the pussy,
am I right?

Jesus, she looks like
a party all to herself.

Now, come on, get out of here!
Get out of here!

You don't screw her! Someone should.
Might as well be me.

I'll screw you later, sweetheart.
Hey, baby!

You shouldn't have done that.
-Oh, my God.
-He's gonna do it again.

-Paul, quick, get him in the bathroom.
-I'm sorry.

-Come on, come on.
-Oh, I'm sorry.

No, no. Some things
are private, man.

I've gotta spray the room
with something. This smell!

I just don't know why they let
swingers in the building.

Because they're so transient,
that's why.

They're always pairing up,
switching off, moving in and out...

...and the landlords get to raise
the rent every 10 minutes.

Sexual liberation.
Just look what it's brought us.

That is exactly the sort of person
we'll refuse to serve in our restaurant.

Now what?
Hello? What article?
Oh, Bon Appétit. Yeah, that's me.
Yes, I have a few bottles of that.
1948, as a matter of fact.

No, I don't think I'd be interested.
All right, I tell you what, Mr. Peck.
If I do, I'll give you a call, okay?

-Thank you. Goodbye.
-Who was that?

Some wine collector from New York
staying at the Wilton.

Wanted to buy some of
my Chateau Lafitte. Fat chance.
