-You through with this?
Good, I'll go bury it.
Mr. Peck?
Every weekend I give a party...
...for some of my more
sexually liberated friends.
Many of them are bank customers
like yourself.
Could you come next weekend?
You can bring your husband.
That's nice. But it's getting late,
and I have to get back to the hospital.
So if you would just...
I'd like to help you
in every way I can.
But I have to be sure you'll comply
with the bank's wishes.
Ten thousand dollars
is a great deal of money.
The bank has nothing
to worry about.
It'll get everything
that's coming to it.
It's just the bank wants to see
what it's getting into.
If I could just, sort of, poke around
in your safety deposit box.
Stop it, you pervert!
You're like everybody else!
-Mr. Leech!
-Are you all right, Mr. Leech?
I rejected this woman's loan
on grounds of insufficient credit.
In desperation, she made advances
to me, which I repulsed.
-Get her out of here, Thomas.
Never mind about the police.
She's upset.
Pervert! Hypocrite! Rapist! Psycho!
You swinger, you!
You're letting that woman go?
Gosh, Mr. Leech,
you're such a good man.
Thank you, Miss Adams.
Have I told you about the party
I'm giving this weekend?
-He didn't buy?
He stole all six bottles.
Did you get the loan?
No. The creep tried to put
the make on me.
People are pigs.
How do they get away with it?
Why should they live so well when
good people like us get shafted?