-Would you like a drink? I know I do.
-What can I get you?
-Whiskey would be fine.
"Whiskey would be fine."
"Whiskey would be fine."
He wants some whiskey.
-We're both gonna end up in prison.
-No, we're not.
We're gonna end up in the country
with our own nice little restaurant.
None of this ever happened.
Now, you take this drink to James...
...and dinner will be ready
in five minutes.
Mary, I just killed a man.
He was a man, honey.
Now he's just a bag of garbage.
I can't imagine anything more perfect.
-What's the down payment?
-Twenty thousand.
-In two weeks?
-Well, it's a great place.
It's gonna go pretty quick.
It's gonna get a taker.
I just hope it's you.
Look, I hate to eat and run. But I have
homework to catch up on at home.
So let me know about the place
as soon as you can.
-We will.
-You'll hear from us soon.
Oh, good. Okay, goodbye.
-Good night.
-Thanks for dinner.
-You're welcome.
-Good night. Bye.
Where are we gonna get $20,000?
Come on.
Help me take out the garbage.
You know, I was thinking about
going to the bank tomorrow for a loan.
-Well, what do you think?
-I guess it took him.
-I mean about the bank and the loan.
-What loan?
I was thinking about going to the bank
and getting a loan.
No bank is gonna loan us
any $20,000.