He cancelled our Instacash card.
He owes us at least $600.
-I'm not--
-Just a minute!
$600. Think if it. That could buy
a lot of things. I won't put that back.
Don't put the money back. Just make
sure James doesn't come in here.
-What will I say?
-Give him a drink.
-Make small talk.
-I can't.
You can. Get out there
and just be calm.
Just talk to James
and don't let him come in.
Oh, Paul, hi. The door was open.
I just came right in.
Are you and Mary having
a little argument?
I heard some noise in the kitchen.
I thought perhaps you--
No, she's just finishing dinner.
It'll be ready in a minute.
-I was helping her pound the veal.
-The veal? Veal's my favorite food.
But it's so expensive.
You shouldn't have.
Well, actually, the veal is for
tomorrow night. We're having chicken.
-Would you like a drink? I know I do.
-What can I get you?
-Whiskey would be fine.
"Whiskey would be fine."
"Whiskey would be fine."
He wants some whiskey.
-We're both gonna end up in prison.
-No, we're not.
We're gonna end up in the country
with our own nice little restaurant.
None of this ever happened.
Now, you take this drink to James...
...and dinner will be ready
in five minutes.
Mary, I just killed a man.
He was a man, honey.
Now he's just a bag of garbage.
I can't imagine anything more perfect.
-What's the down payment?
-Twenty thousand.
-In two weeks?
-Well, it's a great place.
It's gonna go pretty quick.
It's gonna get a taker.
I just hope it's you.
Look, I hate to eat and run. But I have
homework to catch up on at home.