-I thought you said 50 cents a pound.
-That's for trimmed, man!
For this stuff, you're lucky to get 30.
Yeah, all right.
I should have trimmed it.
All right, man. We got some driving
to do. Let's go.
-Dog food?
-Doggie King brand.
So what? Who cares,
as long as we get our cut?
What if somebody recognizes
a piece of clothing or jewelry?
-Not likely.
-What if somebody finds out...
...what the night crew
feeds into the grinder?
-Raoul knows what he's doing.
-I'll say he does.
You know where he's
getting the money?
-From the cars.
Something we never thought of.
He takes the car keys
out of their pockets...
...and figures out which of the cars
downstairs belong to them.
And then he sells the cars
for a lot of money.
-A lot more than he's splitting with us.
-I don't believe you.
-He's making thousands of dollars.
We'll see when
I confront him with it.
Listen, in a couple weeks
we will have everything we wanted.
-What is the point of making trouble?
-I'll tell you what's the point.
He is making a play
for my wife and trying to kill me!
That's the point!
Oh, my God. My 9:00.
-Just a minute!
Just a minute! Keep your shirt on!
Vayas con dios, indeed.
-I said, just a minute!
Paul, I can't find the pants
to this costume!
-I'm coming!
-Oh, Carla?
Fuck the costume!
Your Majesty, this is delicious!
Nothing but the finest for me
and my best friends.