Those people have
a lot of money, believe me.
-I don't think--
-I understand.
Everybody's gotta make up his own
mind about where to draw the line.
Like, I personally draw the line
at golden showers.
Golden showers?
-Did you ever do any acting?
-I did some in high school.
Well, that's all it is, is acting.
Lick my sneakers, you little worm!
See what I mean? It's easy.
Lick my sneaker, you little worm.
See, you're a natural.
That's my laundry.
If I don't get it into the dryer quickly,
it'll wrinkle.
Was there anything else
you want to ask?
-No, I think we covered it.
-Really, there's nothing to it.
Just remember
to get the money up front...
...and whatever they want to do,
stop if it draws blood.
I'll bet we could get started
on this for about $400.
-We have to take out an ad first.
-And I have to rent a post office box.
Paul, we have a ticket!
No, it's just a flier.
Wait, wait. What is it?
Some lock service
that puts in new locks cheap.
Twelve ninety-five.
When Mrs. Berkowitz was robbed...
...it cost her $35
to put new locks in.
Twelve ninety-five isn't a bad price.
"Raoul's Lock and Key Service."
Raoul. Probably just got
in from Guadalajara.
I think it's a good idea.
-What's a good idea?
-Putting in new locks.
We don't want people wandering in
when we're bopping perverts.
Look, Mary, our ad's out.
"We do anything."
Well, that's certainly
laying it on the line.
"Whatever your sex fantasies,
from ordinary to bizarre...
...Carla and Nancy
will accommodate you."
-Cute names.
-Well, what do you think?
-Does that answer your question?
-All that in the box today?
Our first clients. You go first.
"Dear Mommy,
here is an indecent picture of me.