No, I know that.
But a bank might loan us 10,000.
And then we could sell
some of your wine collection.
-Sell some of my wine collection?
-Why not?
Mary, you know I've been saving
that wine for our restaurant.
But, honey, if we don't do something,
there's not gonna be any restaurant.
What if you just sold a few
of the most expensive bottles.
A few. Like, four?
-How about eight?
Well, okay, six.
How much would that bring us?
Six would bring us, I don't know,
about 500 a bottle.
That's $3000.
Paul, that would be such a help.
Yeah, 3000. Okay.
Paul and Mary Bland announce
the opening of their new restaurant.
Mary, if we call it
the Country Kitchen...
...can the specialty still be
the Bland enchilada?
I hope so. It's the best thing I do.
We have to find the money
for the restaurant first.
Isn't this man from New York rich?
He's staying at the Beverly Wilton.
He can't be broke.
Well, if he buys the wine,
and I get the loan from the bank...
...perhaps, maybe
we can swing this.
-Where's my brush?
-Oh, it's in the bureau, honey.
-What's this?
-What's what?
This card.
"Doris the Dominatrix. Discipline.
Mild or severe as you require.
Call for an appointment."
Oh, that. She's some madwoman
who attacks people with a whip.
She was at that swingers party.