What we really have is now.
-There's been some mistake, and so--
-Oh, I know the mistake!
You want me to cool you out
and make you less uptight.
I know how to do that.
A little Thai stick. You like that.
No, I don't want any Thai stick,
and I don't want to get cooled out.
-I would just like you to leave--
-You're bumming me out.
I'm trying to play ball with you here.
I'm trying your lingo,
but you're making me uptight.
-You think I'm an uncool dude?
You think just because I've got
a Ronson lighter I'm an uncool dude?
I've been to hell and back, bitch.
While you were sitting at home
watching Captain Kangaroo...
...I was in Nam defending your ass.
But, oh, I'm not hip enough for you.
I didn't know that you hippie broads
wore underwear.
-It's a costume.
-Sure, it's a costume.
-Get off me!
-Oh, look out! Here comes the duke.
Get off me!
Look at this.
How much?
A lot, chiquita.
Does that make you feel better?
Do you feel comfortable now?
Hey, look.
-It's Thai stick.
-What is that stuff?
-You never had Thai?
-No. Is it good?
Oh, it's the best. Try some.
It'll make you feel real good.