Fast Times at Ridgemont High

All I wanted was my money back on this
breakfast. It was a little under-cooked.

And he threatens me with violence.
I'm gonna call your super...

I can take care of it.
Mr. Hamilton, did you threaten this
customer or use profanity in any way?

Uh... he insulted me first.
He called me a moron, Dennis.

Answer me! Did you threaten
this customer or use profanity?

- Yes.
- You're fired.

I'm very sorry, sir.
I'll refund your money right now.

I hope you won't hold this against us.
You know how these young kids are
these days.

Here we are.
Perhaps another breakfast?

I hope you had
a hell of a piss, Arnold!

The world's finest
surfers showed up today to do battle...

with what's turned out to be the biggest
waves to hit this coast since 1946.

Hello. I'm Stu Nahan,
and I'd like you to meet this young man.

His name, Jeff Spicoli.
Jeff, congratulations.

Things looked rough out there today.
I'll tell you, Stu,
I did battle with some humongous waves.

Just like I told the guy on ABC,
"Danger is my business."

A lot of people
expected Mark "Cutback" Davis,
or Bob "Jungle Vet" Gerard...

- would take the honors this year.
- Those guys are fags!

Let me ask you. When you get out there,
do you ever fear for your life?

Stu, surfing's not a sport.
It's a way of life. It's no hobby.

It's a way of looking at that wave
and saying, "Hey, bud, let's party!"

Where'd you get this jacket?
From the network. Let me ask you,
what's next for Jeff Spicoli?

Headed over to the Australian
and then the Hawaiian Internationals.

Then me and Mick are gonna wing on over
to London and jam with the Stones.

You guys are invited too.
Jeff! Jeff!
Jeff, Dad says you have to get up.
- Leave me alone.
- Dad says you're gonna be late again,
you butthole!
