...the American secretary of state:
"Mahatma Gandhi has become
the spokesman...
...for the conscience of all mankind.
He was a man...
...who made humility...
...and simple truth...
...more powerful than empires."
And Albert Einstein added:
"Generations to come will scarce
believe that such a one as this...
...ever in flesh and blood...
...walked upon this earth."
Tell me...
...do you think about hell?
No, neither do I.
But this man here...
...is a Christian, and he's written
that in order to believe--
Excuse me, sir.
How long have you been
in South Africa?
A week.
I don't know how you got a ticket.
Just what are you doing
in this car, coolie?
Why, I have a ticket.
A first-class ticket.
-How did you get it?
-I sent for it in the post.
I'm an attorney.
I didn't--
There are no coloured attorneys
in South Africa.
Sit where you belong!
I'll take your luggage back, sir.
Just a moment, please.
You see?