Right, you want to sit in that chair?
And... cue... the... skit!
Evening, squire!
Good evening.
Is your...is your wife a goer? Eh? Know what I mean?
Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge! Know what I mean? Say no more!
I-I...I beg your pardon?
Your...your wife. Does she go, eh?
Does she go, eh? Eh?
Huh, sometimes she has to go, yes.
I bet she does! I bet she does! Say no more!
Say no more! Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge!
I'm afraid I don't quite follow you...
Oh, "follow me, follow me"? That's good, that's very good!
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!
Are...are you selling something?
"Selling, selling"...very good indeed! You're wicked,
you are, eh? Wicked, eh? Ho-ho-ho! Whoa! Wicked! Say no more!
Whoa! So your wife's interested in...
in sport? Eh?
Ah, she likes sport, yes.
I bet she does! I bet she does!
As a matter of fact, she's very fond of cricket.
She likes "games", eh? Likes "games"?
Knew she would, she's been around a bit, eh?
She's been around?
Well, she has travelled, yes.
She's from Glendale.
Say no more!
Glendale, squire? Say no more!
Say no more! Say no more! Say no more!
Whoa! Is your...is your Glendale wife
interested in...photography? Eh? Eh? Eh?
"Photographs, eh?" he asked him knowingly!
Snap, snap, grin, grin, wink, wink,
nudge, nudge, say no more!
Sort of...holiday snaps, eh?
They could be, they could be taken
on holiday, you know!