To which political organisations did you
belong before, during and after the war?
I didn't belong to any organisation
Rubbish! You must have belonged
to the pre-war Girl Scouts
No, I didn't belong to the movement.
It never interested me
Your first lover was a soldier
in the National Army
Yes, he was but that's better
than being a Nazi, isn't it?
I'll tell you. Evidently, you were drawn
to the forces of reaction
To the underground forces of
the social right that's fighting communism
You're from a Proletariat family
so where is your class consciousness?
- Could I have a cigarette please?
- No
You only think about your own arse
Stuff your face and get laid.
That's your moral attitude to life
When others were working away for
the fatherland you were just a parasite
But I've been working
ever since I was 16
You call waving your arse about
What planet are you on?
What system do we have?
What is people's power?
What country do you live in?
- Name, surname, date of birth
- Antonina Dziwisz, 1st April, 19...
Sit up straight.
How was it with Olcha?
- How was it with Olcha?
- I've told you
- That's not enough
- I don't know any more
Tell me everything in detail and you will
be allowed to go back to your cell
It was hot.
Our group was performing...
- Sit up straight, head up
- It was hot
We had accommodation in tents
And I was hot so I went out.
I saw the light of a cigarette
So I went over to smoke a cigarette
Kazimierz Olcha was there
and he asked me to go swimming
We didn't have costumes so we swam
naked, but it was completely dark
- Later we found ourselves in a lorry
- Before you said you were on the grass