What planet are you on?
What system do we have?
What is people's power?
What country do you live in?
- Name, surname, date of birth
- Antonina Dziwisz, 1st April, 19...
Sit up straight.
How was it with Olcha?
- How was it with Olcha?
- I've told you
- That's not enough
- I don't know any more
Tell me everything in detail and you will
be allowed to go back to your cell
It was hot.
Our group was performing...
- Sit up straight, head up
- It was hot
We had accommodation in tents
And I was hot so I went out.
I saw the light of a cigarette
So I went over to smoke a cigarette
Kazimierz Olcha was there
and he asked me to go swimming
We didn't have costumes so we swam
naked, but it was completely dark
- Later we found ourselves in a lorry
- Before you said you were on the grass
And later our costumes...
- On the grass or in a car?
- I said it was in a car
You keep changing your story.
Did you fall in love with him?
When did you decide to have
intercourse, in the car or before?
Why are you prying
into my private business?
- Is your husband bad in bed?
- Leave him out of this
Why? For money?
Did he pay you in dollars?
- Where did he get dollars from?
- We found dollars. I don't know
Sit up! Head up!
Why did Olcha pay you dollars?
For sex or something else?
I am innocent. Why can't I get
any letters? Why can't I get a pencil?
I want to write to my husband.
Why haven't I received any parcels?
Did they kill her?