
I won't say it!
I cross the river
of creeping vines.

Help me.
I'm coming to your shore.

That will be hard, brother.
I can feel your resistance.

What do you say?
I can hardly hear it.

Jump on my laugh. Hold tight to it.
Don't worry about my pain. Jump!

Be yourself!
I'm becoming myself.
Talk more quietly.
I'm closer now.
I love you more than myself.
My hate was simply a camouflage.
A dangerous melancholy
draws me close to you...

but my battles separate us.
My laughter is the sun.
It drives away the shadows
you cast on me.

I seek out the daggers of the night.
I set up barricades.

My laughter locks me in.
It draws me away from you.

- You are beautiful.
- You are beautiful too.

Be quiet.
We mustn't lose ourselves
in an all too perfect unity.

Set your hounds and wolves on me!
To what avail?
Every fight crowns you
with a painful glow.

Don't lose courage. Work!
