A dangerous melancholy
draws me close to you...
but my battles separate us.
My laughter is the sun.
It drives away the shadows
you cast on me.
I seek out the daggers of the night.
I set up barricades.
My laughter locks me in.
It draws me away from you.
- You are beautiful.
- You are beautiful too.
Be quiet.
We mustn't lose ourselves
in an all too perfect unity.
Set your hounds and wolves on me!
To what avail?
Every fight crowns you
with a painful glow.
Don't lose courage. Work!
I love him.
The officers all bore me.
Why can't I be a sailor?
I remain standing in the wind.
Cold and headache
clamp my forehead...
and crown me
with an iron tiara.
I am growing and melting.
A naval officer.
When I was a young man,
even when I chose this career...
I didn't realize what a perfect alibi
a naval career provides.
It justifies celibacy.
Women don't ask,
"Why aren't you married?"
They pity you for knowing
only the transient affairs...
and never the true love.