There's no response
from Regula One.
- But no longer jammed?
- No, sir. No nothing!
There are two possibilities.
They're unable or unwilling to respond.
- How far?
- 12 hours 43 minutes, present speed.
Give up Genesis, she said. What does
that mean? Give it up to whom?
It might help if I knew what Genesis
was, beyond the biblical reference.
Uhura, have Dr McCoy
join us in my quarters.
Mr Saavik? You have the con.
I've got Sick Bay ready. Will someone
please tell me what's going on?
Computer. Request security procedure
and access to
Project Genesis summary.
Identify for retina scan.
Kirk...Admiral James T.
Security Scan approved.
Summary, please?
Project Genesis.
A proposal to the Federation.
- Carol Marcus.
- Yes.
What ex actly is Genesis?
Well, put simply,
Genesis is life from lifelessness.
It is a process whereby
molecular structure is reorganised
at the sub-atomic level into life-
generating matter of equal mass.
Stage One of our experiments
was conducted in the laboratory.
Stage Two will be attempted
in a lifeless underground.
Stage Three will involve
the process on a planetary scale.
It is our intention to introduce
the Genesis device