Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Identify for retina scan.
Kirk...Admiral James T.
Security Scan approved.
Summary, please?
Project Genesis.
A proposal to the Federation.

- Carol Marcus.
- Yes.

What ex actly is Genesis?
Well, put simply,
Genesis is life from lifelessness.

It is a process whereby
molecular structure is reorganised

at the sub-atomic level into life-
generating matter of equal mass.

Stage One of our experiments
was conducted in the laboratory.

Stage Two will be attempted
in a lifeless underground.

Stage Three will involve
the process on a planetary scale.

It is our intention to introduce
the Genesis device

into a pre-selected area of a lifeless
space body, such as a moon.

The device is delivered,
instantaneously causing

what we call the Genesis Effect.
Matter is reorganised
with life-generating results.

Instead of a dead moon,
a living, breathing planet

capable of sustaining whatever
lifeforms we deposit on it.

The moon simulated here represents
a fraction of Genesis' potential,

should the Federation wish to fund
the experiment to its conclusion.

When we consider the cosmic problems
of population and food supply,

the usefulness of this process
becomes clear.

This concludes our proposal.
Thank you for your attention.
