Walking man's road...
I'm hungry, weary, but I cannot lay me down.
The rain calls, dreary, but there's no shelter I have found.
It will be a long time till I find my abode,
Here I am, on man's road.
Walking man's road...
Walking man's road...
Well, bless my old husk of a heart.
And here I thought I'd seen the last of them.
Here, you two!
If he knew...
But I don't think I'll tell him.
He'll think it's a horse for sure.
Some wizard I hired.
Now just what in hell was that you stopped for?
What do you think it is, Rukh?
What do you see lying there?
Dead horse.
You're a fool!
But I knew that.
What about you, wizard?
What do you see with your sorcerer's sight?
Answer me, you juggler!
I - I see a horse.
Just - just a white mare.