The Last Unicorn

Well, bless my old husk of a heart.
And here I thought I'd seen the last of them.
Here, you two!
If he knew...
But I don't think I'll tell him.
He'll think it's a horse for sure.
Some wizard I hired.
Now just what in hell was that you stopped for?
What do you think it is, Rukh?
What do you see lying there?
Dead horse.
You're a fool!
But I knew that.
What about you, wizard?
What do you see with your sorcerer's sight?
Answer me, you juggler!
I - I see a horse.
Just - just a white mare.
I thought so. All right. It's a white mare.
I want her for the carnival. The last cage is empty.
We'll need rope.
The rope that could hold that mare has not been woven.
We'll make do with cold iron bars.
Oh, she's waking!
I'll cast a sleep on her!
Skagribbitch! Kastamangya! Nitchai! Nitchaul!
Now cage her. She'll sleep till sunrise.
This here is the manticore. Man's head, lion's body, tail of a

Creatures of night, brought to light!
Here is the dragon.
