which digs into the ankle,
causing excruciating pain.
- Very realistic, don't you think?
- How soon can l have a pair?
I can have them ready for you
by Wednesday.
Again, Auguste, my sincere thanks.
And to you, madame.
Do you like the hand?
l'll pack them up with the shoes.
It will come in handy for scratching,
in case you have any hand jobs.
- We will see you soon, lnspector.
- Chieflnspector.
Goodbye. We'll see you soon.
Oh, my God!
I can't stand!
I've never been in such pain.
Shall l kiss it and make it better?
It's not that bad.
For the third time
in the memory of modern man,
the world's largest cut diamond,
the famous Pink Panther, has been stolen.
Since the reign of Akbar the Magnificent
in the early 12th century,
until the recent bloodless coup
ofthe former Colonel,
now President SandoverHaleesh,
the Pink Pantherhas been
the symbol ofcontinuity ofthe Kurfiilli,
the ruling family ofthe tiny
Middle East nation ofLugash.
- Yes?
- ChieflnspectorDreyfus.
Send him right in.
I came when l got your message,
I commend your promptness.
- You have heard of the theft in Lugash?
- The Pink Panther?
Yes, of course. It is in all the papers.
Soon, l imagine, they will be
sending us a request
for assistance in catching the criminals.
I have already received such a request
from the president of Lugash personally.
I see. How many men
did the president ask for?
Only one. Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
- See that he's on the next plane.
- Of course.