until the recent bloodless coup
ofthe former Colonel,
now President SandoverHaleesh,
the Pink Pantherhas been
the symbol ofcontinuity ofthe Kurfiilli,
the ruling family ofthe tiny
Middle East nation ofLugash.
- Yes?
- ChieflnspectorDreyfus.
Send him right in.
I came when l got your message,
I commend your promptness.
- You have heard of the theft in Lugash?
- The Pink Panther?
Yes, of course. It is in all the papers.
Soon, l imagine, they will be
sending us a request
for assistance in catching the criminals.
I have already received such a request
from the president of Lugash personally.
I see. How many men
did the president ask for?
Only one. Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
- See that he's on the next plane.
- Of course.
But, um... Commissioner.
Don't you think that someone more...
conventional would, uh...
Not to take anything away
from Clouseau, you understand,
but in view of the tense
situation in the Middle East...
I am aware of the tense situation
between you and Clouseau.
However, Lugash has requested
Clouseau, and Clouseau they will have.
Your finger is in my ink.