Trail of the Pink Panther

You mean it was part of your job
to attack him like that?

Oh, yes.
Well, Cato. I'm back on the case.
Now to set the trap, catch the killer
and prove to the world that
Maria Gambrelli is innocent... of murder.

We must accelerate our training.
Attack me whenever and wherever
l least expect it. Give no quarter.

- Didn't anyone ever get hurt?
- Oh, yes. Mostly me.

There was one time, however,
when the Mafia imported a ninja.

The inspector thought the ninja was me.
- (Marie) Poor ninja.
- I know just how he felt.

Now, with your boss gone,
no more sneak attacks.

You must be very relieved.
Not entirely.
Sometimes, when you do something long
enough, you miss it even if it was painful.

What do you think
happened to the inspector?

- Beats me.
- (phone rings)

Inspector Clouseau's residence.
One moment, please.
It's for you.
- AllĂ´?
- This is Sergeant Duval speaking.

I have that information for you.
