- I shall never surrender it.
- Why should you?
When this government seized power,
they claimed it belonged to the people.
There's talk of the international court
deciding the issue.
Why don't l steal the diamond,
leave that old glove behind,
- and you and l can split the insurance?
- All right.
I feel like dancing. Your Highness?
I'd love to.
- How about you, madame?
- Yes, of course.
- Your leg is better, Sir Charles?
- What?
- I say your leg is better.
- Yes. Much better. Thank you.
You know, Mr Tucker... Argh!
That's my beer.
In May 1964 you divorced
lnspector Clouseau and a year later...
I married the man of my dreams.
- Who was that, darling?
- You know.
That fellow Clouseau accused
of being the notorious Phantom.
You have to forgive her.
She's not very good on names.
- He's terribly attractive.
- But she has impeccable taste.
- Why did Clouseau think it was you?
- An anonymous phone call.
I see. Come up immediately.
Sir Charles. The Phantom.
I've really got him this time.
- But of course he was wrong.
- About what?
- About you being the Phantom.
- Of course. He was wrong.
- Wrong, but persistent.
- Persistent he was.
(Sir Charles) He was convinced that
l was planning to steal the Pink Panther.
And when Princess Dala gave
a costume ball at a villa in Rome,
Clouseau was there with his men.
- Warm.
- Yes, must be hell in there.
Bet it's not so good in there.
- Anything suspicious?
- No, nothing to worry about.
My men are everywhere. Mingling here,
mingling there, watching all the time.
How dare you drink on duty?
Who is inside there?