- Why did Clouseau think it was you?
- An anonymous phone call.
I see. Come up immediately.
Sir Charles. The Phantom.
I've really got him this time.
- But of course he was wrong.
- About what?
- About you being the Phantom.
- Of course. He was wrong.
- Wrong, but persistent.
- Persistent he was.
(Sir Charles) He was convinced that
l was planning to steal the Pink Panther.
And when Princess Dala gave
a costume ball at a villa in Rome,
Clouseau was there with his men.
- Warm.
- Yes, must be hell in there.
Bet it's not so good in there.
- Anything suspicious?
- No, nothing to worry about.
My men are everywhere. Mingling here,
mingling there, watching all the time.
How dare you drink on duty?
Who is inside there?
- Sergeant Walter.
- Sergeant Coff.
Stop that or l'll have your stripes!
- The Pink Panther was stolen that night?
- By a gorilla.
Come back! lt's me!
(Sir Charles) To my dying day,