No, on the contrary,
I'll be happy to hear your voice.
My number is very easy to remember.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
That simple? I'll call you.
Or maybe not.
Come on, don't be afraid,
I was just kidding.
I'm not afraid.
- Thank you for the wonderful evening.
- Thank you for making me company.
- No, it wasn't so...
- Never mind me.
Let me see you to your bus.
To my bus? No, first I have to put
you up for the night. Let's go.
Tonight you're going to sleep with all
conveniences, like a real foreigner.
But we've already been turned out of
In life, everything depends
not on those who're in charge,
but on those who're on duty today.
Imagine, I've accidentally sent his
passport with the Tashkent train.
They don't let in the hotel without
a passport, you know. Help us out.
I know they don't.
What's in it for me?
You know, he plays the piano
so well that...
It won't work. There's no piano.
Can you play cards, passenger who's
been left behind?
Sure he can.
But not as well as the piano.
What am I going to do with you?
Though it looks like no diplomatic
persons are expected tonight.
All right, stay, we'll think of
I wonder what are you going
to think of?
It's you who are leaving him with me.
Then I'm a foundling.
He's a spry little sparrow,
this passenger of yours.
Thank you.