Let fire rain from the sky.
Let blood run in the streets.
Death to the enemy.
The v oices made me unclean.
My own blood,
shed by my own hand.
Only that can mak e me
clean again.
No, not suicide.
Not him, not this saint.
Murder. I say it to you,
your television, the world.
Murder. The CIA did it.
Blame the CIA. Same old story.
- Old, but true.
- How was it done?
How could they get to him?
- I don't know.
- Thank you.
Not suicide, murder.
- The suitcases.
- Not here.
- Where are they?
- Safe.
You said tonight.
You promised.
King Awad promised me
a million dollars.
Dead man's promise.
- Well.
- Wait.
- No cash, no business.
- You'll get your money.
That's when you'll get
the merchandise.
Get off!
By morning,
a spontaneous mass demonstration...
... was staged, vilifying America
and President Lockwood.