- Where are they?
- Safe.
You said tonight.
You promised.
King Awad promised me
a million dollars.
Dead man's promise.
- Well.
- Wait.
- No cash, no business.
- You'll get your money.
That's when you'll get
the merchandise.
Get off!
By morning,
a spontaneous mass demonstration...
... was staged, vilifying America
and President Lockwood.
Rafeeq's Rev olutionary Council will
control this country by nightfall.
We lucked out.
- Videotape, how much time is left?
- Riot footage, 11 seconds left.
The live switch to the airport remote
in three, two, one...
- We're on it.
So ended an explosive 30 hours...
... that began with the violent death
of Sally Blak e.
She was going home now.
She wasn't the only one.
American newspapers
were ordered to leave.
Television was invited to stay.
We left in support
of our fellow reporters.
Was today's outrage
riot or rev olution?
Was it political or religious?
Was King Awad's death
suicide or assassination?