If the truth turns you against me...
... the blame falls not on us,
but on the facts.
Lockwood swore to protect and defend
the United States and its Constitution.
Fact: King Awad made
an unholy alliance...
...with an international
gang of terrorists. Fact:
King Awad paid for two atom bombs,
concealed in two suitcases.
I saw them.
I can prove they were radioactive.
Fact: Those bombs were
to be used by this terrorist...
... to destroy Jerusalem.
His secondary target was to be
New York City or...
- No bombs, no proof.
- No question.
- Get the bombs!
- How?
Was the death of
King Awad justifiable?
The maniac who shot Lincoln...
... the killers of Dr. Martin Luther King,
the Kennedys, Lumumba...
... those who burned Joan of Arc,
poisoned Socrates, crucified Christ...
... all assassins cry,
"Justifiable homicide."
If you'd been president, how would
you have handled King Awad?
Killed him.
- Then you'd call it justifiable?
- I'd call it necessary.
Murder is never justified. No!
The end does not justify the means.
To prevent a plague by killing
the germ isn't murder.
It's mercy.
The U.S. Of A. May not
always be right...
... but God knows we're never wrong.
Nobody ask ed Congress.
- Why?
- Public opinion.
With gas more than 3 bucks
a gallon, the prez did right.
- Wrong.
- Right.
- King who?
- Given the facts, sir...
Facts? What facts?
What suitcases? What bombs?
What nonsense!