... those who burned Joan of Arc,
poisoned Socrates, crucified Christ...
... all assassins cry,
"Justifiable homicide."
If you'd been president, how would
you have handled King Awad?
Killed him.
- Then you'd call it justifiable?
- I'd call it necessary.
Murder is never justified. No!
The end does not justify the means.
To prevent a plague by killing
the germ isn't murder.
It's mercy.
The U.S. Of A. May not
always be right...
... but God knows we're never wrong.
Nobody ask ed Congress.
- Why?
- Public opinion.
With gas more than 3 bucks
a gallon, the prez did right.
- Wrong.
- Right.
- King who?
- Given the facts, sir...
Facts? What facts?
What suitcases? What bombs?
What nonsense!
Where's the proof?
There's only one fact.
The president is guilty of
premeditated, cold-blooded murder.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the greatest outlaw of the century.
Thank you.
In the Gallup poll...
- Well?
...we dropped 17 points.