Xian si jue

This is what the Chinese use?
Put it down or you'll pay for it.
Go away,
I don't do business with Japanese.

There's no room
for your elegance in China.

- There are tables upstairs.
- OK.

Paint. Hurry.
Is it ready yet?
Let me finish these two words.
Don't drag your feet.
May I take a look?
It's done.
Here is...
Does it look like the Lord of the Sword?
Is the Lord like this?
This looks like the Lord of the Lance.
That's true.
How do you know?
The Lord of the Sword has to be bearded.
You're all ignorant.
The King once ordered me
to paint the Lord.

What are his chances against Hashimoto?
I don't know,
that's why I want to be there.
That's why this duel is so fascinating.
Can I come aIong?
They wouldn't reject your guest,
wouId they?
