Where have I put it?
I can't find it.
- It was in my pocket.
- Did it fly away?
He's a convict, just like us sir.
We're from the same dorm.
He's got no ID, no permit.
How shall I know what he is.
We went on leave together.
He's our friend.
Shut up! Don't interfere.
- What's going on?
- He's got no ID, sir.
You can leave. Move.
Bon voyage.
- I had a permit but I've lost it.
- Move.
- We went on leave together.
- I said you can leave.
We'll ask the penitentiary,
whether you're on leave or not.
You'll stay under custody,
until everything's clear.
I'm only on leave for one week.
My permit will end until you...
...find out about my situation.
Today's saturday, tomorrow sunday.
Enough! You shouldn't have
lost your papers. Take him.
Give the bird to Leyla.
She'll understand.
- She'll get what I mean.
- Don't worry. I won't forget.