Damn it. Blow out!
Not again.
Four minutes!
Time me.
Actually, my old man loved it.
He always saw himself in the pits
at the Indianapolis Speedway...
in the 500.
My old man's spare tires
were actually only tires...
in the academic sense.
They were round.
They had once been made of rubber.
Ralphie, why don't you
go help your father?
- Really? Can I?
- Yes.
- Watch the traffic, there.
- Okay.
It was the first time that
it had been suggested that...
I go help my father with anything.
- What are you doing here?
- Mom says I should help.
Okay, sit down here. Squat down.
Yeah, that's it.
Here. Hold this.
No, not that way.
Come on, rat trap, hold it like this.
- How?
- Like this.
I want to put the nuts in it. There we are.
There's four of them. And we got it!
There it is.
That son of a gun.
I'm gonna get that dirty...
There we go.
For one brief moment
I saw all the bolts silhouetted...
against the lights of the traffic.
And then they were gone.
Oh, fudge!
Only I didn't say "fudge."
I said the word.
The big one.
The queen mother of dirty words.
The "f, dash, dash, dash" word.