We'll keep this between us, okay?
Barometric pressure equalized.
Dr. Brace, you may enter the chamber.
Damn it!
Hey, you wanna jog a few laps?
No, not today, Hal.
I don't know where I'm getting
all this energy.
Well, you look good.
I'll tell you, Mike, boy,
I'm gettin' a whole new outlook on life.
I'm packing my bags
and leaving this place.
Why is that?
Hell, the good folks at the lab
are paying me disability leave...
...of indeterminate duration.
Is that good?
Hell, it's the best piece of luck I've had.
What is it?
Something happened to me.
It was more than just a sexual fantasy.
It was a... it was a feeling I had.
I'm more than I was, Mike.
Thanks, Hal.
Okay, make a dupe tape and a transcript
of that right away, if you would.