I got cream puffs!
It's magnificent...
Really magnificent.
I changed names 5 times,
Lena twice.
What do you mean, twice!
Called herself Watteau, like
the artist.
And our Italian ID cards.
Yes! Our fake papers!
Listen! We'd waited 8 months in
Genoa for ID papers
to go to Switzerland.
We finally got them and left.
When we got to Milan, they were
searching people in the station.
The Germans ordered us out.
We were scared stiff...
Your papers!
We hadn't even seen the
German coming.
He looked at me, took the papers,
read them,
looked at me again.
"All right!"...and he let us go.
And the name on our papers
was Piperno!
In Italy, that's like Levy...
Very Jewish.
No kidding!
But we didn't even speak
a word of Italian.
The guys at the city hall
were told:
"We need cards for 2 Jews"
so they picked a Jewish name:
That's wild!
That's a good one!
Well, good night.
I'll stop by the garage
next week.
You're not made for each other...
Good night, Michel.
Politics, that's all...
And soccer.
At first, he claimed he knew
all kinds of things,