Fanny and Alexander

With your hands, Alexander.
It's not really necessary.

But it's safer.
The doors shall be opened, a shout
will be heard from the house.

-I don't want to.
-It's too late.

I know what you wish for.
A boy like you with a hate
that never ends!

Your skinny torso could explode.
Don't be afraid, AIexander.
Just don't hesitate.

It was impossible.
Therefor I hold you in my arms.
There's only one way to go.

And I'll follow you. My life expires
and I enter your body...

Don't be afraid. I'm the angel
that protects you.

How was it?
Did the sun move?

It's five in the morning.
The sun has just risen.

The doors open...
No, Wait. First there's a scream.

It's a wrap everyone!
"Sceneri" is the symbiosis of
the movements of camera & actors.

A horrendeous scream
that cut through the room.

We want Fürstenberg
and Emilie in here.

An unrecognizable, fire-ridden
silhouette runs through the house.

I don't want to.
Let me go!

Thank you!
Now you feared the camera.
I could see it in your acting.

Apart from that it was very nice.
Take a brake. Go drink some,
and do a touch up on the make-up.

The Concentration Is Total
And We Don't Let Anything Disturb Us.

I know of whom you're thinking of.
