The doors open...
No, Wait. First there's a scream.
It's a wrap everyone!
"Sceneri" is the symbiosis of
the movements of camera & actors.
A horrendeous scream
that cut through the room.
We want Fürstenberg
and Emilie in here.
An unrecognizable, fire-ridden
silhouette runs through the house.
I don't want to.
Let me go!
Thank you!
Now you feared the camera.
I could see it in your acting.
Apart from that it was very nice.
Take a brake. Go drink some,
and do a touch up on the make-up.
The Concentration Is Total
And We Don't Let Anything Disturb Us.
I know of whom you're thinking of.
-Take this!
-Almas kettle!
A big grey-haired man.
He is blue-eyed.
He should have a book to read.
Get rid of the cane.
He's increasingly scared.
Right now he is dreaming.
He kneels in front of an altar.
Give it here.
By the altar hangs the crucified
Alma should have a kettle.
No, without the tray.
In his dream he stands up
and shouts:
"My god, my god -
Why have you abandoned me?"
Like that, Yes.
And a coffee cup as well.
Nobody answers him.
Not as much as a laughter.
-Don't talk like that.
-It's not me talking.
-With any coffee inside?
-Leave it for now.
It's you.
Allan Edwall Practises The Role
Of The Ghost In Hamlet.
You can wear it in your sleeve.
It's Hard To Portray A
"Bad Actor"
I'll fix it later.
Listen up, if you love
your precious father.