# Oh, I swear, he's got to be
The toughest guy l've ever seen
# I can't believe he's looking at me
# There he stands
Ask me if I care
# Look, he's coming closer
# I swear... #
Number 174-63-1503.
Pete, I don't want her zip code.
lt's her social
security number, asshole.
She works for you.
# He's a dream
# He's a dream
# He's a dream #
One cheese, medium. Fries.
Two plain, rare,
tomato and onions.
One pastrami on kaiser.
Mayo, no mustard.
- What's a pimple on a Polack's ass?
- I need that BLT on rye, Richie.
A brain tumour.
- Richie.
- What's this?
Come on, Richie.
A lesbian with a hard-on.
l'm terrific, right?
You can tell me. I can take it.
Mayo, no mustard.
Can't you see me opening up in L.A?
Direct from Pittsburgh, it's
Richie Blazik, ladies and gentlemen.
What's all this talk about L.A?
You've been on the stage two times.