One cheese, medium. Fries.
Two plain, rare,
tomato and onions.
One pastrami on kaiser.
Mayo, no mustard.
- What's a pimple on a Polack's ass?
- I need that BLT on rye, Richie.
A brain tumour.
- Richie.
- What's this?
Come on, Richie.
A lesbian with a hard-on.
l'm terrific, right?
You can tell me. I can take it.
Mayo, no mustard.
Can't you see me opening up in L.A?
Direct from Pittsburgh, it's
Richie Blazik, ladies and gentlemen.
What's all this talk about L.A?
You've been on the stage two times.
I give you two lousy shots and
you're talking about going to L.A.!
Come on. What are you, crazy?
Besides, you're too short anyway.
They don't let short people
into Hollywood.
And you're making
the hamburgers too big again.
Make 'em smaller.
l'll give you small.
This place is so small you have
to go outside to change your mind.
My turn.
Ring, damn you.
I can't believe he didn't call.
- He'll call.
- Do you think so?
- Of course. Why wouldn't he?
- Yeah, why wouldn't he!
Maybe he'll call, I don't know.