You will simply do as you're told.
Consider yourself lucky to be still alive.
Osborne will trade. He'll return the
six sables, but he'll only talk to you.
And I don't like that, Renko.
I'm warning you. Be very, very careful.
Why will he trade?
What will he trade?
Which is the brandy?
Which is the crème de menthe?
Let's see if you can tell, Renko.
Bruised, are we?
I imagine they wanted to make quite sure
you were telling the truth about lamskoy.
Well, he didn't know
how good you were, did he?
The fool.
And now you're here to kill me.
What do you think?
You know the KGB will always
track you down, wherever you are.
So, what exactly are you proposing?
- Do not be unduly alarmed.
- What are you doing?
You haven't seen
the rest of the house yet.