I'd say they'd been there
three weeks to a month.
I'm about to make an incision
into the chest wall.
- This is disturbing you?
- Well, I'm glad I had no breakfast.
Sorry. I'm used to dealing with the dead.
The only emotion I feel about one is
a faint hope it may be a party official.
Be careful, my friend.
You don't want this case.
Please. You don't want this case.
How were they killed,
Comrade Chief Pathologist?
The two men were shot in the head
at contact range.
All three were shot in the chest.
They were all in their twenties.
Go on.
Arkady, whoever cut off their faces knew
what he was doing. He was an expert.
- And who are the experts, Levin?
- I'm not listening.
They were there as soon as we were,
Pribluda and his gang. Who told them?
You've got an informer
in your office, haven't you?
Anything else for me?
The smaller male dyed his hair.
Its natural color is red.
Possible indication of antisocial activity.
Or maybe he was a black marketeer.
- Or a foreigner.
- Arkady, please.
I don't like to get
mixed up with KGB work.
Don't worry. If one of these really is a
foreigner, it's out of our hands anyway.
I've just got to find enough
to make KGB take over the case.
And the quicker I can do that,
the safer we'll all feel.
Chest incision!