Some 60% of the city
had vanished.
But the damage
did not end there.
The people of Hiroshima
did not know it yet...
but the bomb's after-effects,
such as the black rain...
would bring them
many years of suffering.
Those people,
they make so much noise.
How am I supposed to sleep?
Perhaps if we took them
some of our water.
This is some water. Drink.
Go on. There's more
where this came from.
Look at that woman.
She's dead!
I don't understand.
Why? What's making them die?
They died when they drank.
Could something be wrong
with the water?
We've got to stop them
from drinking the water.
You're right.
Mother, what are we going to do?
Well, let me see now.
We've no place to go, really.
Our relatives will be dead...
or if not, they'll be
no better off than we are.
Frankly, son, I don't know what
we're going to do.
I'm finding it difficult
to think clearly.
There, there, now.
I don't have any milk.
That's bad, Mother.
Babies need milk to live.