Hadashi no Gen

Don't worry.
I'll think of something.

What are you doing?
Who are you?
Come here, you little thief!
If I weren't so hungry,
I'd beat you to a pulp.

So what? Don't you think
we're hungry, too?

Mother, look at this boy.
Look at his face.
Show her your face.

What are you doing?
Whoever Shinji is, I'm not him.
I thought you were
my little brother.

I'm not!
No, of course you aren't.
He's dead.

My name is Ryuta Kondo.
I haven't eaten all week.
Then I smelled your rice.
I couldn't help it.

Where's your family, Ryuta?
They were all killed
in the explosion.

You look exactly like
my little brother Shinji.

Well, I'm not. I'm Ryuta!
Here. You can have my rice,
if you want it.

You'd give it to me?
Take it.
You mean I can have all of it?
Slow down.
You'll make yourself sick.

You might want it back again.

I won't want it back. Really.
Why should I believe you?
Will you relax?
Where have you lived
since the bomb fell, my boy?

Out in the open.
If you're still hungry,
you're welcome to finish mine.

Sit down.
You really mean it?
Mother, he even behaves
like Shinji. It's amazing.

It is remarkable, Gen.
I've heard it said everyone has
five doubles of him or herself.

Still, that he should have
found us, it's uncanny.
