La Chiave

They like me, they like me,
that's for sure!

European integration's not bad,
don't you agree Mr Ruvigny?
I'm sorry, inspector,
but I've been really out
of touch for a while.

Integration of what?
Here we are in a peaceful Veneto town,
with German beer,
Scottish whisky...

...and atomic condiments
for everyone.

That's the trouble with you

Is there anything to laugh about?
I didn't think the Homicide SQuad
was a school of humour.

No, Quite the opposite.
We do what we can with
what we've got.

Exceptional eQuipment...
Just think, our forensic scientist's
even got a magnifying glass!
But,joking apart,
I must apologise to you.

Apologise? Why?
- About Bartoli.
- Ah.

-The bookseller.
- His real name's Liguori,

he escaped from Boretto
Psychiatric Prison 8 years ago.

He killed the two girls
in a fit of madness.

Good, so you won't have
any more problems, inspector.

But problems have a trait,
they never end...
Now my dear wife knows
that I didn't kill the girl.

Now she knows but a woodworm's
eroding her brain.

The woodworm's working away
and says he was the murderer,

that the murderer sleeps
next to her in bed.

- Leave me alone, you're drunk!
-Yes, I'm drunk,

like I was drunk that night.
But it wasn't me who
killed the black maid.

I didn't kill that dirty black,
I didn't kill her, it wasn't me!
So why don't you tell the police?
Let me...
You're crazy, you're crazy,
you're killing me...
