La Vie est un roman

I've traveIed... a Iot.
I aImost dropped the project
100 times.

It stiII isn't finished.
But it is urgent to consecrate
this tempIe of happiness.

A new kind of happiness!
A new happiness?
Then it's a ceIebration.
More Iike an... experiment.
Perhaps we shouId say, a journey.
AIthough we won't Ieave here.
This is going to be fun.
If the paIace isn't finished,
why not postpone things?

To when the paint is dry?
I couId wait no Ionger.
You were wounded in the war?
So was I.

My souI was deepIy wounded.
I waited, and waited.
I tried to stiII my pain,
but I can't stand it any more.

I know I'm not the onIy one.
That's why I chose you,
because you're my friends.
I know you.

Aren't we aII wounded animaIs,
Iocking our teeth to keep
from howIing?

Four years of suffering
made us murderers.

Of aII the ties that bind us,
isn't this the strongest?
What does he want?
It's a game... He's having fun...
We must Iaugh...
And harmony?
