My souI was deepIy wounded.
I waited, and waited.
I tried to stiII my pain,
but I can't stand it any more.
I know I'm not the onIy one.
That's why I chose you,
because you're my friends.
I know you.
Aren't we aII wounded animaIs,
Iocking our teeth to keep
from howIing?
Four years of suffering
made us murderers.
Of aII the ties that bind us,
isn't this the strongest?
What does he want?
It's a game... He's having fun...
We must Iaugh...
And harmony?
Does harmony reign among us?
Not at aII.
Harmony has fIed from this worId
Nothing and no one
are in their proper pIace.
That's why we're aII unhappy.
FaiIure, betrayaI,
Iost iIIusions,
unfuIfiIIed desires, pIans awry.
One man may be fooIed
into thinking his wife Ioves him.
She's sought by another,
but Ioves a third.
Isn't that so, Jeannetier?
One is indecentIy rich:
Not so, Garcin?
Another is indecentIy poor.
Ashamed, one hides his weaIth,
the other his poverty.
Right, Zimmerman?