Does harmony reign among us?
Not at aII.
Harmony has fIed from this worId
Nothing and no one
are in their proper pIace.
That's why we're aII unhappy.
FaiIure, betrayaI,
Iost iIIusions,
unfuIfiIIed desires, pIans awry.
One man may be fooIed
into thinking his wife Ioves him.
She's sought by another,
but Ioves a third.
Isn't that so, Jeannetier?
One is indecentIy rich:
Not so, Garcin?
Another is indecentIy poor.
Ashamed, one hides his weaIth,
the other his poverty.
Right, Zimmerman?
One mother here hates her chiIdren,
and it pains her.
A son wishes his mother dead,
and it pains him.
A doctor is pained
by his incompetence.
You aII suffer, you weep,
aII of you.
Enough! Enough!
My coat! My car! My hat!
We're going!
I'm Ieaving!
My car! my coat! My hat!
I'II hoId no one here.
For this experiment,
I'II need your totaI submission,
your absoIute trust.
So Ieave, go quickIy!
If you stay,
you'II be here for many weeks,
cut off from the outside
Iike a caterpiIIar in a cocoon,
waIIed in,