Go, now you are big, you are strong.
Restore justice,
happiness and harmony.
Take the money the rich man stole,
and give it to the poor,
for you're the true king...
Then there will be
no more dust or dirt...
Then everyone will eat cake
every day...
We'll never be cold,
or have toothaches...
No one will fall down
and people will live 100 years...
The age of happiness is beginning...
But a city
of aII possibIe happiness.
We must teach chiIdren
to imagine that city.
And, first,
to buiId schooIs that move:
MobiIe, shifting, undiscipIined,
from which chiIdren can take off.
Not to conquer the worId as it is,
but to buiId... to invent...
a new worId
that is what it shouId be.